Are you proactive in your life? Do you take the initiative to make decisions about what you want to experience or do you just react to circumstances?
In Unity we teach that we are responsible for the conditions in our lives. In other words, what we are experiencing is the result of the decisions, the choices, we have made. Of course, we can't control all the world "out there," but we can control the responses we have to it. This is an ability with which we are all equipped from birth—our ability to choose our response to life.
When we use our response-ability to decide on how we are going to feel or think or act, we experience more peace, more harmony. Does this mean that everything will come up roses? No, it doesn't. It just means that we are learning how to dis-identify from those circumstances or people so that we don't hand over our personal power by letting other people or circumstances determine our choices for us.
So if we don't choose to be proactive, what are we doing? We are reacting to life. We are using yesterday's answers to today's circumstances. Why would we do this? Because we are not mindful. We are not awake and living in the Now. We have allowed ourselves to fall asleep on our spiritual journey by "resting on our spiritual laurels."
Our spiritual journey is life-long, 24/7. Our response-ability is one of our greatest tools. Using it wisely eases the pain we inflict upon ourselves and allows us to embrace all the good that awaits us.
In Unity we teach that we are responsible for the conditions in our lives. In other words, what we are experiencing is the result of the decisions, the choices, we have made. Of course, we can't control all the world "out there," but we can control the responses we have to it. This is an ability with which we are all equipped from birth—our ability to choose our response to life.
When we use our response-ability to decide on how we are going to feel or think or act, we experience more peace, more harmony. Does this mean that everything will come up roses? No, it doesn't. It just means that we are learning how to dis-identify from those circumstances or people so that we don't hand over our personal power by letting other people or circumstances determine our choices for us.
So if we don't choose to be proactive, what are we doing? We are reacting to life. We are using yesterday's answers to today's circumstances. Why would we do this? Because we are not mindful. We are not awake and living in the Now. We have allowed ourselves to fall asleep on our spiritual journey by "resting on our spiritual laurels."
Our spiritual journey is life-long, 24/7. Our response-ability is one of our greatest tools. Using it wisely eases the pain we inflict upon ourselves and allows us to embrace all the good that awaits us.