What I’m about to say may sound crazy, but it isn’t. It’s a well-accepted concept among those who study the human psyche. Of course, anything you’re not willing to consider sounds crazy, so just give yourself a minute to think about this if you haven’t already.
Almost everyone, if they think about it, whether male or female, understands that they have an invisible partner. If you are male, you have an invisible partner that is female. If you are female, you have an invisible partner that is male. Where do they live? They live inside us and emerge through our attitudes. You can’t see them in the mirror. Now here is where it gets a little sticky. We each have a relationship with this invisible partner within us. Since this relationship is not acknowledged by most of us on the planet, something else is put in place to make us aware of it. If you are wondering what this something else is .... read on.
You can always tell how much collaboration there is between your invisible partner and you by what you think and feel about the visible opposites in your life. This is the real hidden purpose of marriage. It’s not how to get along with the person with whom you live. Marriage is the in-your-face way you are shown how well you get along with your invisible partner. I know that at first, this sounds crazy. Yet, the more you think about it, and I mean REALLY think about it, the more you will agree with me.
So the problem in relationships is never between two physical people. The problem arises from the relationship between thoughts and feelings — your inner male or female. If what you think and what you feel are at war, then more than likely, you are saying one thing and feeling just the opposite. There is no true marriage between what you think and feel.
Do relationships serve a purpose? Yes they do! They are the something else that gives us in-your-face feedback about the kind of relationship we are having with the inner opposite that hides behind our face.
Is this an over-simplification of the idea of hidden personalities and how they affect relationships? Of course it is, but at least it offers an incentive to examine relationships from a higher perspective. Marriage may be a juggling act, but knowing how many balls (personalities) you’re juggling can keep you from getting bonked on the head by one of them!
© Williamsen
Almost everyone, if they think about it, whether male or female, understands that they have an invisible partner. If you are male, you have an invisible partner that is female. If you are female, you have an invisible partner that is male. Where do they live? They live inside us and emerge through our attitudes. You can’t see them in the mirror. Now here is where it gets a little sticky. We each have a relationship with this invisible partner within us. Since this relationship is not acknowledged by most of us on the planet, something else is put in place to make us aware of it. If you are wondering what this something else is .... read on.
You can always tell how much collaboration there is between your invisible partner and you by what you think and feel about the visible opposites in your life. This is the real hidden purpose of marriage. It’s not how to get along with the person with whom you live. Marriage is the in-your-face way you are shown how well you get along with your invisible partner. I know that at first, this sounds crazy. Yet, the more you think about it, and I mean REALLY think about it, the more you will agree with me.
So the problem in relationships is never between two physical people. The problem arises from the relationship between thoughts and feelings — your inner male or female. If what you think and what you feel are at war, then more than likely, you are saying one thing and feeling just the opposite. There is no true marriage between what you think and feel.
Do relationships serve a purpose? Yes they do! They are the something else that gives us in-your-face feedback about the kind of relationship we are having with the inner opposite that hides behind our face.
Is this an over-simplification of the idea of hidden personalities and how they affect relationships? Of course it is, but at least it offers an incentive to examine relationships from a higher perspective. Marriage may be a juggling act, but knowing how many balls (personalities) you’re juggling can keep you from getting bonked on the head by one of them!
© Williamsen