What are feelings? Feelings are emotions that define our reactions to and expectations of ourselves and the world. Negative feelings are usually borrowed so they have no real foundation, but we tend to trust in them nonetheless because they are familiar. Feelings (emotions) are necessary for manifestation. Therefore, what we feel, coupled with what we think is the determinant for our experiences.
When we have feelings, we need to take the time to determine if the feeling matches the experience. In other words, is my feeling a reaction to circumstances that don’t actually exist, or am I actually using my intellect to make a decision about how I am going to feel? It is often difficult to accomplish this on a day-to-day, moment-to-moment basis because we are creatures of habit. In order to move forward, however, we have to break this mindless chain of reaction.
The bottom line is that feelings influence every aspect of our lives – how we deal with ourselves and how we deal with others.
When we have feelings, we need to take the time to determine if the feeling matches the experience. In other words, is my feeling a reaction to circumstances that don’t actually exist, or am I actually using my intellect to make a decision about how I am going to feel? It is often difficult to accomplish this on a day-to-day, moment-to-moment basis because we are creatures of habit. In order to move forward, however, we have to break this mindless chain of reaction.
The bottom line is that feelings influence every aspect of our lives – how we deal with ourselves and how we deal with others.