Polarity is the universal stressor. If nothing is happening in your life and you seem to be experiencing the same day over and over, you are not using the power of polarity. If you find that your dreams are not manifesting, you are not utilizing one of your greatest creative tools, the power of polarity. The deliberate application of this Principle to your life will enhance and energize you and your experiences beyond your wildest dreams..
Einstein said, “nothing happens until it moves.” He was referring to the idea that you are surrounded by an unlimited potential that lies dormant until it has a reason to move. Although I am not being presumptuous when I say that this possibility is waiting for you to move it, the question is, “how do you move this possibility into your life?” The means for this migration is given to you in Genesis when God separated the light from the darkness because this was the act that created the Principle of Polarity. The prevalent thought is, that God created night and day in this stage of creation. Rather than night and day, He created the polarization of energy necessary for light to happen—the Principle of Polarity upon which the idea of light, or illumination, is founded. Without this Principle of Polarity, there would be no light, no new understanding. Without polarity, nothing happens; nothing moves.
This separation of light from the darkness is a metaphor describing the polarization of energy necessary for the movement of a passive potential into the world of expression As we said, nothing moves until some kind of force or stress moves it.
You can get an idea of how polarity works by a cursory look at how a car battery works. Basically, all car batteries have two terminals, a positive and a negative. In a fully charged battery, the negative terminal has an excess of energy units called electrons, and the positive terminal has a deficiency of these electrons. Because the universe dislikes imbalance, the drive is for the excess electrons on the negative terminal to flow to the deficiency on the positive terminal to achieve equilibrium. If you have had the unfortunate experience of being the connecting link between these two terminals, you have experienced first hand the energizing flow of electrons from one terminal to the other.
This deficiency of electrons on one side and excess on the other creates a pressure, or polarity, measured in volts. Electrical engineers designed the battery so no direct flow through the base of the battery can achieve this balance. What they did is electronically place the car and all its electrical devices between the two terminals. As electrons flow (through the car) from the negative terminal to the positive terminal, they energize the motor, air conditioner, radio, CD player and all the other paraphernalia in cars these days. The car's alternator, when the engine is running, pumps electrons to the negative side of the battery so that balance is never achieved and the full 12 volts of polarity is maintained so you can continue to burn up all that over-priced gas.
Okay, so how do you get polarity to work in your life? Remember that polarity is created because of contrast or imbalance. If the most exciting thing you do is watch the screen saver on your PC, there is a pretty good chance you need some polarity in your life. Watching the so-called reality shows on television puts money in the producer's pocket but does nothing for putting polarity in your life.
You add the power of polarity in your life with ideas—ideas that challenge you and create contrast between where you are and where you want to be or what you want to experience. We live in a world that has emerged out of the polarity created by ideas. If you look around the room that you are in, you will see that everything in it came from an idea. The pen, the computer as well as the software, the clock on the wall, the pictures, television, cell phone, and the watch on your wrist all came from ideas. The building you are in emerged from the idea being put into a blueprint. Even you are an idea that was initiated in the Mind of God.
Every idea knows how to complete itself. Just like any seed, it will grow into maturity if put into the right environment. Ideas mature through your use of the Creative Process.
Interested in learning more about this process? Check out our award-winning audio book (It's Your Move! Transform Your Dreams From Wishful Thinking To Reality) or our newly released print version (MindSlap!).
Einstein said, “nothing happens until it moves.” He was referring to the idea that you are surrounded by an unlimited potential that lies dormant until it has a reason to move. Although I am not being presumptuous when I say that this possibility is waiting for you to move it, the question is, “how do you move this possibility into your life?” The means for this migration is given to you in Genesis when God separated the light from the darkness because this was the act that created the Principle of Polarity. The prevalent thought is, that God created night and day in this stage of creation. Rather than night and day, He created the polarization of energy necessary for light to happen—the Principle of Polarity upon which the idea of light, or illumination, is founded. Without this Principle of Polarity, there would be no light, no new understanding. Without polarity, nothing happens; nothing moves.
This separation of light from the darkness is a metaphor describing the polarization of energy necessary for the movement of a passive potential into the world of expression As we said, nothing moves until some kind of force or stress moves it.
You can get an idea of how polarity works by a cursory look at how a car battery works. Basically, all car batteries have two terminals, a positive and a negative. In a fully charged battery, the negative terminal has an excess of energy units called electrons, and the positive terminal has a deficiency of these electrons. Because the universe dislikes imbalance, the drive is for the excess electrons on the negative terminal to flow to the deficiency on the positive terminal to achieve equilibrium. If you have had the unfortunate experience of being the connecting link between these two terminals, you have experienced first hand the energizing flow of electrons from one terminal to the other.
This deficiency of electrons on one side and excess on the other creates a pressure, or polarity, measured in volts. Electrical engineers designed the battery so no direct flow through the base of the battery can achieve this balance. What they did is electronically place the car and all its electrical devices between the two terminals. As electrons flow (through the car) from the negative terminal to the positive terminal, they energize the motor, air conditioner, radio, CD player and all the other paraphernalia in cars these days. The car's alternator, when the engine is running, pumps electrons to the negative side of the battery so that balance is never achieved and the full 12 volts of polarity is maintained so you can continue to burn up all that over-priced gas.
Okay, so how do you get polarity to work in your life? Remember that polarity is created because of contrast or imbalance. If the most exciting thing you do is watch the screen saver on your PC, there is a pretty good chance you need some polarity in your life. Watching the so-called reality shows on television puts money in the producer's pocket but does nothing for putting polarity in your life.
You add the power of polarity in your life with ideas—ideas that challenge you and create contrast between where you are and where you want to be or what you want to experience. We live in a world that has emerged out of the polarity created by ideas. If you look around the room that you are in, you will see that everything in it came from an idea. The pen, the computer as well as the software, the clock on the wall, the pictures, television, cell phone, and the watch on your wrist all came from ideas. The building you are in emerged from the idea being put into a blueprint. Even you are an idea that was initiated in the Mind of God.
Every idea knows how to complete itself. Just like any seed, it will grow into maturity if put into the right environment. Ideas mature through your use of the Creative Process.
Interested in learning more about this process? Check out our award-winning audio book (It's Your Move! Transform Your Dreams From Wishful Thinking To Reality) or our newly released print version (MindSlap!).