Strict religious dogma is the formatory mind in action. It defines spirituality through the perspective of man asleep, caught in the throes of his fears and sub-personalities. It separates everything into opposites, yes or no, black or white. Religion clings to literal interpretations because the formatory mind functions from a consciousness of security, sensation, and power. These are considered the three lower levels of man’s experiences and reflect a man asleep. Security and power create an “us vs. them” mentality, and sensation creates the opposites of boredom vs. thrills.
The religious formatory mind does not have the capacity to understand the intricacies necessary for spiritual thought. Spiritual thought requires the ability to blend those opposites into a new understanding and to think from a place which is free of negative emotions and preconceived notions. Spirituality requires a mind open to ideas that have never been considered before, ideas that carry you into new levels of experience, understanding, and love.
The religious formatory mind does not have the capacity to understand the intricacies necessary for spiritual thought. Spiritual thought requires the ability to blend those opposites into a new understanding and to think from a place which is free of negative emotions and preconceived notions. Spirituality requires a mind open to ideas that have never been considered before, ideas that carry you into new levels of experience, understanding, and love.